5 Lunge Varieties to Add to Your Workout Regimen
by Punctual AbstractIf you’re looking for ways to ramp up your workout, lunges are a great place to start. They generate a metabolic response that burns off tons of calories. Here are five lunge varieties you can add t..
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Foam Roller Mania: Are the Benefits Fact or Fiction?
by Punctual AbstractOne of the most common complaints people have about working out is delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), the pain and/or stiffness that one often feels in their muscles 24-72 hours after working out. ..
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Walking is the Fitness Discovery of 2019
by Punctual AbstractAt Punctual Abstract we have a Corporate Wellness Program that helps our employees lead healthy, happy lives. One of the best ways to stay healthy is by bringing your workout into your everyday life â..
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What is Intermittent Fasting, and does it work?
by Punctual AbstractIntermittent fasting, it’s the dieting trend that seems to be popping up everywhere recently, and for good reason. Studies have shown that it can reduce inflammation and improve heart rate and blood..
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