Real Estate
The 20 Best Markets for Real Estate Investors in 2019
by Punctual AbstractA new year gives us a good reason to reflect on the passage of time, look critically at our lives and take note of our successes and failures, and set personal and professional goals. For real estate ..
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Architecture, Real Estate
How long is a skyscraper meant to last?
by Punctual AbstractCity skylines are iconic. One glance at the skyline of major cities like New York, Los Angeles Chicago or Seattle and you know what you’re looking at. Skyscrapers are more than just buildings. They..
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Real Estate, Title and Real Property
Lunar Real Estate is “for Sale” and People are Buying it
by Punctual AbstractArticle II of the United Nations 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which governs the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, states that t..
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